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Chelsea Ann

Welcome Home!

I can't think of a better time to write this blog. I am under, no lie, 6 blankets. I have two sweaters on, two pairs of socks, and am parked next to the fire. It has not stopped snowing, it has not been above freezing for what seems like days, and it is supposed to get worse before it gets better. Thankfully, I have a home that has kept power and water thus far.

As you know, for the last month, I have been raising money for The Fields Edge. They are working to build a community with the homeless to help restore dignity, promote healing, and cultivate home. Right now, in the coldest days Texas has seen in decades, I am so excited, proud, and thankful to say that we as a community have raised $2,500 to donate!

Ya'll! Two THOUSAND and five HUNDRED dollars to help with the building of this amazing, restorative community! Oh sweet friends, my heart has been so full this past month. Seeing so many smiling faces and knowing that this is going to create so many smiling faces. This experience has truly been wonderful! I promise I will stop screaming eventually. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Kate Camus
Kate Camus
Feb 15, 2021

So, so proud of this ministry you’ve jumped into head first, & ELATED you’re using your super fun, God-given gifts to help the homeless in W. Tx!!! 👏🏼

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