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About Me

Hi hi!  I'm Chelsea and I am thrilled that you are here!

I have spent most of my life in a classroom and until recently that was all I had planned on doing.  When God's plan changed mine, I began to focus more on photography!  I've always loved taking pictures, and have found that this is another great way to tell stories.  I have been following the teachings of Chris Bray and have taken several classes offered on Creative Live.  Through these, I have been developing my skills and putting in the practice to offer you the best gallery possible!  



I am married to my wonderful and supportive husband, Daniel.  We have two dogs!  Fen is an adventurous German Shepard who loves to go on long walks.  Jenny is a pound pup that will certainly outlive us all!


In 2015, I received my first DSLR camera.  Our family had just purchased a ranch in central Texas and my dad wanted my sister and I to be able to take the pictures that would eventually be hung on the walls.  That camera went with me EVERYWHERE.  To the ranch, on trips, around town.  That camera stayed with me all the time.  One weekend, when I was at the ranch by myself, I saw a herd of deer.  I pulled my camera out and started snapping away.  All of a sudden, two doe started to fight.  They were both on their hind legs and fighting with their front legs.  There I was with my camera, clicking away, getting the whole thing...or so I thought. 

I ran to my computer to look at all the pictures and there they were.  They were there all right...the blurriest pictures you've ever seen.  You couldn't tell one doe from the next.  You couldn't tell if they were up or down. You couldn't even tell if they were deer!  That was the first time my trusty camera failed me.  I realized if I was going to take photography seriously, my camera would need to be able to meet my needs.  I spent the next few weeks researching and trying to decide which camera would be best.

The Canon that I currently use is my new sidekick.  While I am here to serve your family needs, I still love taking my camera to the ranch, among other places, and waiting to see what wildlife I can find.  So if ever you can't find me, know that I am sitting under a tree waiting for those two doe to come back!

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