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Chelsea Ann

The First Time...

I remember the first time that we met. She was still in college and I had been teaching for several years (Ol' lady West over here). She was in school to become a teacher and I already was one. In the mean time, she was going to work and sub at the school. Quiet, reserved, shy. She observed a lot of her surroundings before she was ever truly comfortable. The first time she observed my class, she came to me with a lot of questions. She is seriously one of the most thorough people I know. The first time she taught in my classroom, she had the coolest assignment and I instantly stole it from her to use for myself. The first time she entered a classroom, no longer as a student but as a teacher, she experienced all the jitters. That first day as a teacher is a roller coaster like no other. Excitement, terror, joy, all the anxieties. She knew the secret though...if you don't know, just ask. If you aren't sure, find someone and ask. That's just what she did and still does. Even though it's not as often (partially because she's several years in now and has it down and partially because I am no longer there), I'll still get a phone call or a text every once in awhile with a question.

The first time she showed up to my house randomly, was to ask me to be apart of her wedding. UM, heck yes I will be apart of your wedding!!! The first time that she told her husband that she was expecting, she called so I could be there to document the moment. I had asked what they're looking forward to in their second year of marriage. Knowing what her answer was going to be, I stood behind her to see his reaction. She had written "You're going to be a daddy." he wrote "More sleep". Poor guy.

Now it's both of our first maternity shoots. Excited, terror, joy, all the anxieties. Just like those first days of teaching, we were both on emotional roller coasters. For different reasons of course, but together we are here for the first time. I can't wait to hear about when she holds her little guy for the first time, when he cries for the first time, when he has his first milestones, and when she experiences all the firsts as a new mom. Here is to the first time...

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