Friends, we are one week away from September. Fall is just around the corner. Which means Halloween decorations, PSL's, and sweater weather are almost within our reach! Fall also leads to one of my favorite seasons...fall family photo season! Each year, prior to fall family photo session, I get asked a series of questions that create an unneeded stress for your session. What do I wear? How do I get us all to match? Do we have to match? Where should we even go? Do we have to?!
Well, for starters, you don't have to family photos taken, but you certainly should! I know it can be a daunting task, but my job is to make all those questions less stressful to answer and help you create a wonderful family session!
Each week for the next month, I am going to help you answer a different question that will help you prepare for your session! Clothes. Location. Posing. ALL. OF. IT.
By the time fall actually gets here, and it is time for those fall family photos, you are going to be so prepared! The only question left will be "What's for dinner when we are done?"
So lets get it started! Lets get started with the first question, the question that often results in a "Ugh, I give up!" mindset. The question that leads to all other questions. The question that starts it all.
"Where do I even begin?!"
Where do I even start? Do I start with clothes, or the location, do I start with the kids or with me, do I start with dad or the dog. Where do I start?
Well friends, you begin at the end. After the session has ended, after the photos have been delivered, after they have been printed, and after they have been framed, after all of it. Where will those frames be going? Will they be going in a room with bold colors or earth tones? Will they be going in the living room that changes decor seasonally, or in a personalized bedroom?
You begin at the end. Find where these photos will be prominently displayed and use that color scheme as your first step to planning your fall family photos! Seems simple, right? Friends, that is because it is! Walk into that living room, sitting room, entry way, or wherever and look around! What colors do you see there? Use those colors from the room where the pictures will eventually go as your starting point!
Next week, we will be taking those color schemes and picking which ones will be the best to wear!
Happy Monday friends and let me know in the comments what room your photos usually end up in!