I can't wait breathe in that new born smell.
I can't wait to squish on those sweet cheeks and tiny feet.

I can't wait to hear those phantoms cries and wonder if they are real or not.
I can't wait to watch them wonder and see them grow.

I can't wait to curse those darn Lego pieces in the middle of the night.
I can't wait to fight over what we will or won't wear that day.
I can't wait to sigh over messy rooms and dirty dishes.
I can't wait to hear the laughter and the stories that they create in their imaginations.
I can't wait, but I can't, so I wait.
I wait to hear the cries out of frustration and tiredness.
I wait to count fingers and toes over and over again.
I wait to see them form their own opinions.

I wait to see who their friends will be and who they will become.
I wait to argue over what they will be for Halloween.
I wait to see the joy on their faces on Christmas morning.
I wait to break up fights over who will get to play with what.
I can't wait, but I can't, so I wait.