I met this sweet family a few years ago when they moved to the area. I remember thinking to myself, how cute are these guys! It was just for a brief moment, but they definitely made an impact. As I have gotten to know them over the past few years, I am continually in awe. Each person in this family is so unique, so spirited, and so kind.
Sindy and Ramon are stunningly gorgeous! Their love for each other just radiates. Picture after picture just took my breath away. Man, they are a good looking couple!
Nomar started out quiet and shy. Next think ya know, he was dancing right along side the rest of the family! Suujey is always cracking me up. This kid is such a loving sister, a kind daughter, and if you listen closely, she's hilarious. Liam! Oh this boy! He is always on the move! If I could do a blog on just him, you'd be entertained for days! He is just such a happy kid and I had so much fun hanging out with him!
After being around them a few times, you realize that there is never a dull moment with this family. Someone is always laughing, something is always going on, and somehow they are always making sure everyone is ok! Family's that are like this one are such a blessing to know. They are continually checking in with their family, their community, and the loved ones that they surround themselves with. It's moments like this that remind me that we are all beautifully blessed.