I have been there. I think we have all been there. In a dead sleep, dreaming about who knows what, and the phone rings. It startles you awake, head spinning trying to make sense of what is happening. The only thing that is clear is that what is coming on the other side of that phone isn't good. That dread that happens when you answer the phone, we have all been there.
The scrambling that happens in the next few hours is terrifying and daunting. Sometimes it only affects one person, and sometimes it affects a whole family. Arrangements need to be made, kids need to be moved, and the root of the situation needs to be addressed at some point. So much to do and all of it needs to be done, quickly.
The Rainbow Room is here to help in that situation. This organization works with Department of Family and Protective Services as an emergency resource room. They provide the basic needs of children and families during times of crisis. That phone call that happens usually sends things into chaos and many children are removed from their homes with only the clothes they have on their backs. Caseworks use the Rainbow Room to fill in. Clothing, diapers, school supplies, hygiene necessities, and so much more can be found here. This room is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to those caseworkers.
Such a wonderful idea that I, to be completely honest, had never heard of. I had no idea this existed, let alone what their purpose was. When I reached out to see if they would like to be the recipient of this mini-session, I met Jannine. She agreed and we met over Zoom to discuss their purpose and how we as a community could help! Please take a few moments out of your day to watch this interview. Hopefully, you will learn a few things, just like I did!
Starting today, the Be Someone's Rainbow mini-session will be raising funds for the Rainbow Room. There is still plenty of time to sign up and participate! If you are interested in participating or simply donating, please email me at chelsea.west.photos@gmail.com and let me know!